I've always loved farm life. I can remember all the way back to kindergarten, running around on the playground pretending I was a horse. We lived inside the city limits of Seattle.
When I was 6, my parents moved the family to Woodinville, WA. On a farm out in the sticks (yep, that's what I thought), where people were a little different and there were not paved roads everywhere. It took about 2 weeks and I was totally and completely hooked. A pony of my own didn't hurt the process.
For almost 16 years, I lived with my family on one of the farms where I grew up as a child. We have since purchased our "retirement" farm in sunny and dry Kuna, Idaho - just outside of Boise. We figured, why not buy now while prices are low.
We raise amazing and beautiful Norwegian Fjord horses, Irish Dexter cattle, pastured pigs, chickens and have these great summer camps that started as a gift for our son's school. We offer birthday parties and other events here on the farm.
What can I say...I love farm life!