
OTR: Florence, Oregon

Florence, Oregon. OK, I'm not sure why it seems so strange to me, but we stopped at the Fred Meyer in Florence and it is right next to the sand dunes. Not down the road, but RIGHT there, next to the dunes. See:
The boys on top of the dunes, the top of Fred Meyer in the background.

Why that seems strange to me, I have no idea. We ended up parking here for a little bit and the boys played and played and we relaxed for a while with some homemade BBQ chicken burgers and chips. Camping with a trailer. Gotta love it.

I ended up following the boys up the mountain of sand. Well, that was a workout. Especially when you wear the wrong shoes. I had to laugh - it must have been hilarious; the sight of me taking a step and pretty much sliding back down, trying again, over and over. Eventually, I made it up to the top. Here's a picture of my walkin shoes - nice, huh?
Oops, actually, you can't even see that they DON'T have heels! They are just my little, slip on shoes. I bet you are laughing now.

While my camera was looking down, I found my shadow and decided to take a picture. When I got back down the hill, I was showing Farmer Scott the pictures of the boys and he said, "wow, that's cool. It looks like a penguin."
Hmph! "Really? That is ME!"
He started to backtrack, something about how cute penguins are, but I lost interest in that conversation pretty quickly.
Really though, I think maybe my shadow - and therefore me - may look just a little like a ... well, never mind.

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